Brianne’s Substack
The Get Sh*t Done Podcast
121-Lessen Your Stress as a Busy Working Mom and Get Sh*t Done

121-Lessen Your Stress as a Busy Working Mom and Get Sh*t Done

After work we can face a sink full of dishes, hangry children, supper needing to be prepared, afterschool activities, homework, and lego under your feet. If this combo would send you into an automatic overwhelm tailspin, you’re not alone.

On episode 121 of the Get Sh*t Done Podcast, I am sharing a few tangable tips to help you retrain your brain to react in a different way to that overwhelm.

For more guided support inreframing the stress and overwhelm of our busy mom lives, check out the Moms Get Sh*t Done Club, where this month I am giving you a Get Sh*t Done Stress Reducing Blueprint

Grab info and check out the rest of the links mentioned in this episode here!

Brianne’s Substack
The Get Sh*t Done Podcast
This is a podcast for busy working moms who want to learn tangible tips and strategies to Get Sh*t Done in their busy lives.